Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Advantages Of A Vehicle Tracking Solutions System

By Joyce Wallace

Fleet management has evolved over the years making work easier for managers. Systems have been developed to collect and send information in real time for retrieval at a later time. There are a lot of benefits derived from these management systems. Fleet companies are no longer relying on the manual management practices because of the benefits brought by the new systems. Below are the benefits of a vehicle tracking solutions system.

The first advantage of this system is that it reduces the total cost of transportation. A lot of time and fuel is consumed when drivers use routes with traffic. The tracker can help the driver, or the dispatchers know what road is best to use with regards to traffic and the shortest way to the destination. It takes a shorter time to deliver goods, thus the use of small amounts of fuel. Because the software gives a report, inconsistency is reduced and even the use of time is maximized during transportation.

Also, there is a reduction in insurance cost. When the risk is low, insurance companies offer rebates or discounts to customers. When cars have a tracking system, it is easy to avoid and reduce accidents because of the various notifications to drivers and dispatchers. Installation of safety features attracts discounts in the premiums to be paid. Again, since the company experiences few perils, the cost of purchasing coverage is reduced significantly.

Similarly, when there is better administration, employees become better time managers. The mechanics, drivers and the managers get notifications and time estimates for departure and arrival time. Dispatchers and drivers can manage their schedules better. Because they can avoid traffic, the time that could have been spent on the traffic jam goes to other activities. In addition, due to the use of other shorter routes, much time is saved for other productive things.

Employees often care a lot about their welfare. When a company keeps their interest first, they feel motivated to work harder, hence better satisfaction. Companies that have advanced fleet management systems have vehicles that are well managed. In case of technical issues and the changes in road safety signs, the drivers are also informed thus keeping them safe on the way. Because of the coordination between the managers and employees, there is better satisfaction.

Customers end up disappointed most times when goods are delayed, or they cannot get updates on their cargo. The tracker gives clients a peace of mind during transportation as they can see the location of their cargo and route. It is also easy to estimate the arrival time of these goods. There are fewer disappointments too, which increases customer retention for the company.

Moreover, there is an enhanced lifecycle management. Trackers make it possible to increase the lifespan of vehicles. The reason is that drivers get the various technical information about the engines and even the tires. When the behavior of the driver, maintenance time and the required services are known, it becomes easier to manage the transportation process.

Finally, cars are put to better use. When vehicles keep stopping due to technical problems, it leads to increased idle time. Use of roads with traffic and inadequate care of the trucks affects their functionality. Due to that, they are not utilized as they should be.

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